
Three Interesting Ways You Can Make Your Pool Solar Water Heater Even More Efficient

Pool solar water heaters can help you heat up your swimming rc flying fish pool without using electricity. They use energy from the sun. Its effectiveness depends on many factors. I have listed 3 of them so you can S107 helicopter get the most energy out of what you pay for.When you follow these tips, you can get warmer water and you do not have to run your solar heating system for as long as before:1. Place the solar collector at a place with the most sunshineThis may seem obvious, but not many people are doing this. Perhaps it is because it takes work to find the best spot with the most sunlight. In order to do this, you have to consider shading through different times of the day.The best way to record your shading information is to chart it so you can see the information clearly and make good decisions. The easiest way to make this type of chart is to use a Solar Pathfinder.2. Keep your solar collectors away from the windSome locations experience strong wind. This tends to make water evaporate faster, bringing heat away. Convection heat loss is also encouraged even with slight amounts of wind blowing across your swimming pool.To minimize heat loss, you are encouraged to cover your pool. You do not necessarily have to buy expensive pool covers. You also do not need to cover every inch of your swimming pool if it is not of regular shape. Remember, any cover is better than no cover at all.This does not apply on to swimming pools. Some solar collectors are not covered with a piece of glass. Therefore much heat can be lost when wind blows across it, rendering the equipment of no effect. Thus if you have strong winds blowing at your area, even for a season, it may be good to consider a glazed solar collector.3. Connect your solar heating collector units in parallel instead of seriesWater flow works like electricity. When you connect solar collectors in series, its resistance adds up. But when you connect them in parallel, their resistance diminishes. In fact, it gets divided.If your pool pump has to push through great resistance, you are eating up electricity just flying shark balloon to work against such force. You will heat up water as effectively when you pump water through parallel-connected collectors.In both series-connected and parallel-connected system, water goes through the heat exchanger for the same length of time. The only difference is the speed of flow.

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